You're Invited!

Q & A for Wedding Guests
by: John & Benz Rana
article originally appeared in print: 12.03.05

It's December once again and it not just time for Christmas shopping and partying, but it's also time for weddings! It's the peak season for tying-the-knot in this part of the earth. So how many wedding invites have you gotten so far?

Unless you're serial bride like J.Lo (saying Liz Taylor would have been more accurate at this point but we want to be "kewl" to relate with the Gen Y peeps!), we figured that most of us would be along the pews more often than being at THE altar. This is the reason why we dedicate this month's column to the wedding guest - the person who gets to prepare the least during the wedding. Never mind the bride! We're sure she has read countless of wedding etiquette to last 'til her unborn son finally gets married. Actually, she's got too much info that she even prepares a Miss Manners list for her groom and her entire entourage to follow.

If it's your first time attending a wedding, what follows is a simple guide of Dos & Don'ts to get through such a social event. Note that we made these questions up so allow us to be sarcastic and blunt with some of our responses to ourselves.

Questions & Answers

Q. I got an invite but have no plans of attending; should I still send a gift?

A.First thing's first. If you won't be able to attend for whatever reason, please RSVP. A big chunk of the wedding budget goes to the reception and it will be utterly inconsiderate to just give up a reserved seat without letting the couple know. Give them the chance to assign that seat to another guest in their "waitlist." Having that out of the way, let's get to your question: YES, it is customary to still send a gift.

Q. The envelope bears only my name. May I ask if I can bring a date?

A. Don't bring a date unless your invitation specifically says "and Guest." Bringing unexpected guests is very impolite. Neither should you ask the couple's permission if you may bring one or not. Don't put your friends on the spot. We Filipinos don't really like turning down people. So how would you know if their "Yes" means yes or not? Spare them that trouble.

Q. The invite says "Mr. & Mrs." Could we bring our kids?

A. Never bring the kids unless "& Family" is indicated. Soon-to-weds don't usually invite children for a good reason. Kids get bored or cranky during hour-long masses. Their tantrums might disrupt the solemnity of the ceremony. Weddings are usually formal events typically not appropriate for the little ones. To be blunt about it, inviting a child at the reception means added two mouths to feed - the kid's and the yaya's.

Follow-up Q. But my son/daughter is the bearer/flower girl. I'm sure it's understood that my other child is invited.

A. Which part of the answer above didn't you understand? Seriously, if the couple wanted to invite your other kid, they would have specified that on the envelope.

2nd follow-up Q. But I'm breastfeeding, I'm sure my friends will understand, won't they?

A. Granting that it's an infant and he or she won't eat at the reception - let's even assume that your baby won't wail at the church - the answer is still NO! Not even if you've perfected the art of being a cow in a long gown. Four words: Breast Pump and Babysitter!

Q. I don't have a clue what gift to give them. Any ideas?

A. The average Pinoy soon-to-wed would always prefer monetary gifts more than any other gift. It is the unspoken fact. We're telling you now to make it easier for them to let you know what they REALLY want; unless they indicated that already in their invites which, by the way, is a very tacky thing to do.

If you're not comfortable giving cash, you may ask the couple where they are registered (Gift / Bridal Registry) and choose from what's listed under their names in the store. You can also ask them where they're residing after the wedding and take the cue from there. If you know that they'll be migrating abroad or living with their parents for the time being, a ref or another oven toaster may not be the most practical and logical gift.

Q. I'm convinced. So how much cash should I give them? I don't want to give too little or too much.

A. That's a hard thing to answer. It's really a case-to-case thing. Try to put yourself in the couple's shoes. How much should a guest of your stature give you without being branded a cheapskate? Also consider your relationship with the couple. If you're good friends of the couple's parents, you'll probably shell-out more than if you were simply the bride's Girl Friday.

Q. Could I skip the ceremony and head straight to the reception?

A. You can. BUT you shouldn't! You are invited to THE wedding -- that's the part where they exchange their "I dos." The reception is where the Receiving Line is. You can't be 'received' if you are already seated in the hall, right? "Patay-gutom" is too harsh a word and we assure you that it's by no means what anyone would think if indeed you decide to go straight to the reception. But admit that it struck a nerve just mentioning the word in that context, isn't it?

Q. Speaking of the Receiving Line, what should be the proper greeting?

A. Here's the rule: Say "Congratulations" to the groom and "Best Wishes" to the bride. The reason behind is that "congrats" implies that someone has caught something or won a prize, and it is rather improper to imply that the bride "caught" the man who married her. If this rule gets mixed-up in your head come wedding day, just say the two phrases together and look at both of them. That usually works!

Likewise, saying "Good Luck!" no matter how pure your wishes are will also sound very inappropriate for obvious reasons.

Q. Nice try, but what if the couple makes a Grand Entrance and left the Receiving Line to their parents? What then should I tell them? Note that I don't even know which sets of parents are whose.

A. Didn't we tell you already not to skip the ceremony? The bride and groom usually walk alongside their respective parents at the very start!

Anyway, make your pleasantries short and sweet. Shake their hands and say "Hello! I'm (your name) and I went to school with (name of bride/groom) in (school's name)/an officemate of (name of bride/groom) at (name of company)." They usually respond with "Nice meeting you." Just smile, nod politely, and move on to the next person. If one replies "Hi! I've heard so much about you!", simply smile and nod just the same. No lengthy conversation; just make small talk at most. If you can't find the words to say, just smile again, nod politely, and move.

Q. During the banquet, is there anything I need to know?

A. Nowadays, the Reception Program usually have the guests on each table stand up and have their picture taken with the couple before being led to the buffet. This is done to resolve two issues of past weddings: (a) for the couple's convenience and skip the tiring Table-Hopping ritual just to have their picture taken with all their guests; and (b) for the guests' convenience so they won't have to wait very long for their turn in the buffet line.

Keep in mind that Buffet is NOT synonymous with "Eat-All-You-Can." Do not pile your plate full. Be courteous of those who have yet to be served. Don't worry. You can easily go for seconds.

Q. I'm used to a Buffet setting, but what if it's a formal Sit-Down Dinner? Which fork do I start with again?

A. You're on your own, pal. Watch "Pretty Woman" again and see how Julia Roberts nailed it!

A thousand flowers will bloom...

Partners and Marriage (By: Eduardo Jose E. Calasanz) - For Gil & Daye, and for Anyone out there wondering where's that Someone

This is a 5-page article given to me more than 10 years ago. I've been wanting to write something for these two people (Gil & Daye) but havent had that elusive writer's mood for some time now. But I love this article and what it says is more likely what I wish to say to you, and to my other friends who seem to be wondering if "The One" will ever arrive. So now I am sharing this to you all. I kept this copy together with all my own articles. I read this a hundred times before I got married. I read this a hundred times more after getting married. It has always carried me through the ups and downs of this scary, often bumpy but happy ride called marriage. -Gerty Dizon

by Eduardo Jose E. Calasanz

I have never met a man who didn’t want to be loved. But I have seldom met a man who didn’t fear marriage.Something about the closure seems constricting, not enabling. Marriage seems easier to understand for what it cuts out of our lives than for what it makes possible within our lives.

When I was younger this fear immobilized me. I did not want to make a mistake. I saw my friends get married for reasons of social acceptability, or sexual fever, or just because they thought it was the logical thing to do. Then I watched, as they and their partners became embittered and petty in their dealings with each other. I looked at older couples and saw, at best, mutual toleration of each other. I imagined a lifetime of loveless nights and bickering days and could not imagine subjecting myself or someone else to such a fate.

And yet, on rare occasions, I would see old couples who somehow seemed to glow in each other’s presence. They seemed really in love, not just dependent upon each other and tolerant of each other’s foibles.

It was an astounding sight, and it seemed impossible. How, I asked myself, can they have survived so many years of sameness, so much irritation at the others habits? What keeps love alive in them, when most of us seem unable to even stay together, much less love each other?

The central secret seems to be in choosing well. There is something to the claim of fundamental compatibility. Good people can create a bad relationship, even though they both dearly want the relationship to succeed. (underscored by ME :) and so are the succeeding ones)

It is important to find someone with whom you can create a good relationship from the outset. Unfortunately, it is hard to see clearly in the early stages.

Sexual hunger draws you to each other and colors the way you see yourselves together. It blinds you to the thousands of little things by which relationships eventually survive or fail. You need to find a way to see beyond this initial overwhelming sexual fascination. Some people choose to involve themselves sexually and ride out the most heated period of sexual attraction in order to see what is on the other side. This can work, but it can also leave a trail of wounded hearts. Others deny the sexual side altogether in an attempt to get to know each other apart from their sexuality. But they cannot see clearly, because the presence of unfulfilled sexual desire looms so large that it keeps them from having any normal perception of what life would be like together.

The truly lucky people are the ones who manage to become long-time friends before they realize they are attracted to each other. They get to know each other’s laughs, passions, sadness, and fears. They see each other at their worst and at their best. They share time together before they get swept up into the entangling intimacy of their sexuality. This is the ideal, but not often possible. If you fall under the spell of your sexual attraction immediately, you need to look beyond it for other keys to compatibility.

One of these is laughter. Laughter tells you how much you will enjoy each others company over the long term. If your laughter together is good and healthy, and not at the expense of others, then you have a healthy relationship to the world. Laughter is the child of surprise. If you can make each other laugh, you can always surprise each other. And if you can always surprise each other, you can always keep the world around you new.

Beware of a relationship in which there is no laughter. Even the most intimate relationships based only on seriousness have a tendency to turn sour. Over time, sharing a common serious viewpoint on the world tends to turn you against those who do not share the same viewpoint, and your relationship can become based on being critical together.

After laughter, look for a partner who deals with the world in a way you respect. When two people first get together, they tend to see their relationship as existing only in the space between the two of them. They find each other endlessly fascinating, and the overwhelming power of the emotions they are sharing obscures the outside world. As the relationship ages and grows, the outside world becomes important again.

If your partner treats people or circumstances in a way you can’t accept, you will inevitably come to grief.

Look at the way he/she cares for others and deals with the daily affairs of life. If that makes you love her more, your love will grow. If it does not, be careful. If you do not respect the way you each deal with the world around you, eventually the two of you will not respect each other.

Look also at how your partner confronts the mysteries of life. We live on the cusp of poetry and practicality, and the real life of the heart resides in the poetic. If one of you is deeply affected by the mystery of the unseen in life and relationships, while the other is drawn only to the literal and the practical, you must take care that the distance does not become an unbridgeable gap that leaves you each feeling isolated and misunderstood.

There are many other keys, but you must find them by yourself. We all have unchangeable parts of our hearts that we will not betray and private commitments to a vision of life that we will not deny. If you fall in love with someone who cannot nourish those inviolable parts of you, or if you cannot nourish them in her, you will find yourselves growing further apart until you live in separate worlds where you share the business of life, but never touch each other where the heart lives and dreams. From there it is only a small leap to the cataloging of petty hurts and daily failures that leaves so many couples bitter and unsatisfied with their mates.

So choose carefully and well. If you do, you will have chosen a partner with whom you can grow, and then the real miracle of marriage can take place in your hearts. I pick my words carefully when I speak of a miracle. But I think it is not too strong a word.

There is a miracle in marriage. It is called transformation. Transformation is one of the most common events of nature. The seed becomes the flower. The cocoon becomes the butterfly. Winter becomes spring and love becomes a child. We never question these, because we see them around us every day. To us they are not miracles, though if we did not know them they would be impossible to believe.

Marriage is a transformation we choose to make. Our love is planted like a seed, and in time it begins to flower. We cannot know the flower that will blossom, but we can be sure that a bloom will come. If you have chosen carefully and wisely, the bloom will be good. If you have chosen poorly or for the wrong reason, the bloom will be flawed.

We are quite willing to accept the reality of negative transformation in a marriage. It was negative transformation that always had me terrified of the bitter marriages that I feared when I was younger. It never occurred to me to question the dark miracle that transformed love into harshness and bitterness. Yet I was unable to accept the possibility that the first heat of love could be transformed into something positive that was actually deeper and more meaningful than the heat of fresh passion. All I could believe in was the power of this passion and the fear that when it cooled I would be left with something lesser and bitter.

(Experience made me realize that the first heat of love could indeed be transfomed into something positive and more meaningful than the heat of fresh passion. But this realization came in a series of events, mostly sad and hurting, but in the end, it was worth it. -- this is now me talking)

But there is positive transformation as well. Like negative transformation, it results from a slow accretion of little things. But instead of death by a thousand blows, it is growth by a thousand touches of love. Two histories intermingle. Two separate beings, two separate presences, two separate consciousness come together and share a view of life that passes before them. They remain separate, but they also become one. There is an expansion of awareness, not a closure and a constriction, as I had once feared. This is not to say that there is not tension and there are not traps. Tension and traps are part of every choice of life, from celibate to monogamous to having multiple lovers. Each choice contains within it the lingering doubt
that the road not taken somehow more fruitful and exciting, and each becomes dulled to the richness that it alone contains.

But only marriage allows life to deepen and expand and be leavened by the knowledge that two have chosen, against all odds, to become one. Those who live together without marriage can know the pleasure of shared company, but there is a specific gravity in the marriage commitment that deepens that experience into something richer and more complex.

So do not fear marriage, just as you should not rush into it for the wrong reasons. It is an act of faith and it contains within it the power of transformation. If you believe in your heart that you have found someone with whom you are able to grow, if you have sufficient faith that you can resist the endless attraction of the road not taken and the partner not chosen, if you have the strength of heart to embrace the cycles and seasons that your love will experience, then you may be ready to seek the miracle that marriage offers. If not, then wait. The easy grace of a marriage well made is worth your patience. When the time comes, a thousand flowers will bloom…endlessly.

Recommended Accomodation: Tagaytay Highlands



Belle View Suites
1 Bedroom P 6,000.00 / 2 persons
2 Bedrooms P 12,000.00 / 4 persons
3 Bedrooms P 15,000.00 / 6 persons

The Villas
3 Bedrooms P 18,000.00 / 6 persons

The Pinecrest Village
1 Bedroom P 6,000.00 / 2 persons
2 Bedrooms P 12,000.00 / 4 persons
3 Bedrooms P 18,000.00 / 6 persons

The Woodlands
1 Bedroom P 6,000.00 / 2 persons
3 Bedrooms P 18,000.00 / 6 persons

The SPA and Lodge
**** P 6,000.00 / 2 persons

**** Subject to approval of The Spa and Lodge. Available only on weekdays.
** Additional Fee of P 1,000++ for every additional person / room (inclusive of beddings)
* Rates are subject to 12% VAT and 10% Service Charge


A Room - De Luxe Room
Single / Double : P 3,500.00 / 2 persons

B Room - Superior Room
Single / Double : P 3,000.00 / 2 persons

C Room - Standard Room
Single / Double : P 2,500.00 / 2 persons

1 single, 1 queen-size bed, local phone, cable TV, mini-ref, CR with shower
** Additional Fee of P 300++ for every additional person/room (inclusive of beddings)
* Rates are subject to 12% VAT and 10% Service Charge


Cottage Grove (Nipa Hut)
Double : P 3,000.00 / 2 persons

Cowboy Cabin (mini log cabin)
Quadruple : P 5,000.00 / 4 persons

2 queen-size bed, local phone, cable TV, mini-ref, CR with shower
** Additional Fee of P 300++ for every additional person/room
* Rates are subject to 12% VAT and 10% Service Charge

Nipa Huts

Family Suite (Nipa Hut Large)
Quadruple : P 2,400.00 / 4 persons

Duplex I & II
Double : P 2,200.00 / 2 persons

Medium Tents
Triple : P 950.00 / 3 persons

Small Tents
Double : P 750.00 / 2 persons

** Additional Fee of P 400++ for every additional person/room (inclusive of beddings)
* Rates are subject to 12% VAT and 10% Service Charge

FOR BOOKINGS, please call the :
(046) 483-38-55 or (046) 483-29-88


Mention the OCAMPO-TOLENTINO Wedding for priority reservation and special rates.

We strongly advise that you book and confirm your room reservations as soon as possible.

Availability / Rate expires on 10 October 2010.

*** Please visit again for uploaded pictures of the rooms. :))

Save the Date!!!

Dream Team

The Church: Madre de Dios Chapel

Tagaytay Midlands, Tagaytay Highlands

Talisay, Batangas


I am a Marian devotee, that explains why I would love to walk down the aisle of a Marian church. I have considered the following churches:

1. Basilica de Immaculada Concepcion, Malolos, Bulacan

2. Barasoain Church, Malolos, Bulacan

3. Twin Hearts of Jesus and Mary Church, Malolos, Bulacan

But since we really wanted a destination wedding, Tagaytay. This chapel fits perfectly.

The Reception Venue: Tagaytay Midlands Veranda

Tagaytay Midlands, Tagaytay Highlands

Talisay, Batangas


The nearest reception venue to Madere de Dios Chapel. The “so close to nature” view is breath-taking. The food is fantastic. The ambiance is perfect for weddings.

The Wedding Planner / Coordinator: House of Brides

Unit 7 PMG Bldg. Mc Arthur Highway, Bulihan, Malolos, Bulacan


I so love the weddings coordinated by House of Brides. I’ve been following their sites and so convinced that I will be their client too, someday.

So when Mr. Simpatiko proposed. We booked House of Brides first and foremost.

The personal touch of a friend, Ate Mona is what we love. The team is a family to us. The whole “wedding-planning” turned to be a barkada gimik nd get-together.

More Information

Contact Person:

Mona Puno-Bumanlag


+639175013077 / +639158658973



The Wedding Dress: DREZZEE by Cherrie Cariaga

C.G.C. Garments Manufacturing

3676 Bautista St., Palanan, Makati City


More Information

Contact Person:

Cherrie G. Cariaga


(+632) 831-27-69




More Information

Contact Person:

Irene Vera

Angela Marie Vera


(+632) 717-46-32

Cellphone No.

(+63918) 541-91-75

(+63927) 730-08-60

Hearts and Bells

928 Alvarado Street, Binondo, Manila


More Information

Contact Person:


(+632) 244-02-55

(+63917) 537-93-88

Email :


East Digital Studio

Unit 1202 Galleria Corporate Center

Ortigas, Quezon City


Contact Person:



(+632) 634-65-82

(+632) 635-26-04



The Entourage


Mr. Jan-Argy Y. Tolentino

The Best Man is the groom’s best friend who is tasked to do the ff:

  • Organizes the bachelor party
  • Helps in ensuring that the groom is dressed on time during the wedding day
  • Welcomes guests as they arrive in the church or wedding chapel
  • Holds the wedding ring of the bride
  • Witnesses the signing of the marriage certificate
  • Offers the first toast to the bride and groom at the reception
  • Have a short speech during the reception
  • Participates in the garter toss (if single).


Dr. Catherine C. Tolentino


Mrs. Ma. Gerty Dizon-Pagaran

The Maid of Honour/Matron of Honour is usually the bride’s best friend or closest sister who is tasked to do the ff:

  • Organizes the bachelorette’s party
  • Helps in RSVP brigade of wedding guests
  • Hosts or co-hosts the bridal shower
  • Helps arrange and address the wedding invitation
  • Helps the bride to prepare and get dressed on her the wedding day.
  • Acts like as an errand girl for the bride during her wedding day
  • Arranges the bride’s veil and train during the wedding ceremony
  • Holds the wedding ring of the groom
  • Holds the bride’s bouquet during the exchanging of rings
  • Witnesses the signing of the marriage certificate
  • Have a speech during the reception.
  • Participates during the bridal toss (or if married, encourage the single women to participate on the bridal toss)


Dr. Christian C. Tolentino

Mr. Dante V. Lacsina

Mr. Jerome C. Robles

Attending all prewedding festivities (engagement party, couple shower, bachelor party, rehearsal dinner). Perks: Free vittles and drinks.

Helping the best man plan the groom's bachelor party. Perks: Good food, drinks, and perhaps some insights into female anatomy.

You'll conspire with the best man -- and the bridesmaids -- to decorate the honeymoon getaway car in style.

Before the ceremony, you may be asked to usher guests to their seats. At traditional Christian ceremonies, guests of the bride's family sit on the left, and guests of the groom's family sit on the right. At Jewish ceremonies, it's the opposite. When a couple arrives, take the woman's arm and escort her to her seat; her escort will follow you. Always seat the oldest woman first if several guests arrive together. You should arrive at the ceremony site at least 45 minutes early to review special seating requirements.

Be prepared to serve as information central and direct guests to restroom facilities and the reception site.

Purchase a wedding present, perhaps with one of the other groomsmen. You'll have more buying power, and two heads are often better than one when it comes to gift ideas. Sometimes the entire groomsmen gang pitches in for one knock-them-off-their-feet wedding gift.

At the reception, you may be introduced with the bridesmaid you escorted during the recessional. You may also be asked to dance with bridesmaids or single female guests during the evening.


Ms. Krizia L. Benedicto

Atty. Andrea A. Tan

Ms. Katrina Camille S. Castro

Help her gather resource materials such as advertisements for florists, bakeries, travel agencies and bridal stores. Keep a record of color swatches to give to guests who want to know the brides color scheme.

Attend bridal fairs together, be sure to collect information for her as you go, carry bags and fill out all the ballots for giveaways, this allows the bride more time to look around.

Assist her with addressing labels and placing stamps on the envelopes for wedding invitations and thank you notes.

On the wedding day, be sure to pack some light snack for you both as she may have been too busy to eat.

Don’t forget your camera, tasteful candid shots of the Bride getting ready can be really fun.

Its your job to ensure that the bride looks her best for photos by straightening out her dress, puffing up her bouquet and touching up her make-up.

It’s a really extra nice gesture when a bridesmaid goes the extra mile and instead of just giving a speech at the reception she have made a slide show of pictures of the bride and groom with a special song or has even just collected pictures and made a display.

It’s also the Bridesmaid’s job to help at the reception. Talk with guests while the bride and groom are busy and dance with the brides brother who may have come alone.

Sorry the bridesmaid cannot leave early. She needs to stay and help cleanup, unless someone has been hired to do so, even then she must make sure that some mementos are saved for the bride, such as the centerpiece, part of the wedding cake, and a few wedding favors.

The Bridesmaid makes sure the bride gets off okay, that she can get into the vehicle with her dress and veil and that her personal belonging are not left behind. I also think that the bridesmaid should arrange a special treat for the bride and groom either in their car, where they are going to stay the evening or at their home when they return such as a bottle of champagne, basket of fruit, or a nice gift basket.


Mr. Rodney A. Vencio

Ms. Beverly T. Quinto


Mr. Jayrold A. Pingco

Ms. Glorivy-Nysa Y. Tolentino


Mr. Glenn Mark B. Miranda

Ms. Rachel Ann C. Bersamera

Attend pre-wedding parties, if feasible

· Welcome guests to their seats before the wedding ceremony

· Usher guests to their seats by:

First asking if they are guests of the bride or groom. If they are with the bride, they should be seated at the left side of the church (facing the altar). If with the groom, then they should be seated to the right.

Seating the eldest guests first if a large group arrives.

Escorting female guests with his right arm with her escort walking behind, or leading a couple to their seat

Distributing programs to guests after they have been seated.

Balancing out the guests by asking arriving guests if they wouldn’t mind sitting on the other (less filled) side.

· After the guests have been seated, escort special guests to their seats in this order (unless otherwise directed by the bridal couple):

general special guests

grandmothers of the bride and groom

groom’s mother

bride’s mother

· Position the aisle runner in place before the processional is ready to begin

· Collect discarded programs and articles from the pews after the ceremony

· Direct guests to the reception and hand out preprinted maps and directions to those who need them

· Assist in gathering the wedding party for photographs

· Additionally, a head usher should be designated to coordinate the ushers, make sure they know their duties, know how to carry them out, know the proper seating of special guests, and know the order in which they should be seated. This role should not be taken on by the Best Man, however, since he will be too busy attending to the groom.


Yusuf Alec C. Silverio


Rusty Paul O. Alquero


Lar Sebastian C. Galvez


Raj Darwin C. Valderas

Precedes the flower girl down the aisle or can walk beside her. Carries a pillow or a tray with symbolic rings, arrhae, bible and candles for show.


Yeshua Maria D. Pagaran

Chelsea A. Ocampo

Luisa Mikylah M. Encabo

Jan Anabela A. Ocampo

Rosben Monica O. Alquero

The Flower Girls are the nieces, young (below 7 years old) sisters or daughters of the couple’s close friends who are tasked to simply carry a small basket full of flowers down the aisle and throw flower petals before the bride walks on the aisle.

Ninongs at Ninangs

The Counselors and Principal Witnesses to Our Vows

"There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye

keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends."
- Homer, Odyssey, ninth century B.C.

Justice Antonio Eduardo B. Nachura
Mrs. Conchita S. Nachura

Fmr. Sec. Eleazar P. Quinto
Mrs. Verena C. Quinto

Mayor Romeo M. Castro
Mrs. Estrella B. Salazar

Mr. Abelardo D. dela Cruz
Mrs. Luthgarda F. dela Cruz

Mr. Emmanuel P. Macapagal
Mrs. Rebelita P. Villanueva

Mr. Fernando G. Tolentino
Mrs. Corazon T. Mendoza

Engr. Mar Tan
Mrs. Peñafrancia P. Banaag

Mr. Roland L. Paule
Engr. Glorilyn C. Padpad

Mr. Cresenciano D. Gatchalian
Mrs. Dolores S. Sun

Mr. Emmanuel A. Bamba
Dr. Diana Gene P. Aquino

Our Monogram

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